1952 — 50 Años de Progreso Ferroviario
Ferrocarilles Consolidados de Cuba
con Oficinas Generales en Camagüey
1952 — 50 Years of Railway Progress
Consolidated Railroads of Cuba
Headquartered in Camaguey
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ANTE autoridades funcionarios del ferrocarril e inmenso público, el Gobernador Provincial Dr. Raúl Masvidal Marín, iza la enseña nacional en las Oficinas Generales, iniciando el programa conmemorativo del Cincuentenario. 1 In the presence of railroad officials and countless public, the Provincial Governor, Dr. Raul Masvidal, hoisted the National Banner at Railroad Headquarters, opening the fiftieth anniversary commemorative program.
INMENSO PUBLICO colmó las Oficinas Generales a las 12.01 a.m. del 8 de diciembre, para escuchar la palabra vibrante del Dr. Rosendo Romero Delgado (aparece insertado) que abría así el ciclo de festejos.2 Headquarters were filled to overflowing by countless public on December 8 at 12:01 AM to hear Dr. Rosendo Romero (inserted into photo) resonantly open the [week's] festivities.
l-r, first row: Gustavo Pellon, Railroad President; Unknown; Unknown; Maria Antonieta Debs; and Silvia Boza, in the fur jacket. The journalist Manolo de la Torre stands out at the fourth row, taking notes. It is believed that he also worked for the Railroad's publicity department.
EL CONSEJO DE ALCALDES y la Cámara Municipal camagüeyanos, celebraron sendas sesiones solemnes en el Club Atlético Ferroviario. Hablaron el dirigente ferroviario Pedro Rodríguez Freyre, el Gobernador Masvidal, el Presidente del Ayuntamiento Pedro González Lorenzo y el Consejero Consultivo Dr. Walfredo J. Rodríguez (insertado). 3 The Council of Mayors and the Camaguey Municipal Association attend each other's formal sessions at the Railroad Athletic Club. Speakers were railroad director Pedro Rodriguez Freyre, Governor Masvidal, City Council President Pedro Gonzalez Lorenzo and the Advisory Councilman Dr. Walfredo J. Rodriguez (inserted).
TITULO DE GRAN CIUDADANO otorgado por el Consejo Provincial de Alcaldes y entregado el 8 de diciembre en el Club Ferroviario. 4 The honorary title of "Great Citizen," granted by the Provincial Council of Mayors and inscribed on a framed parchment, is presented on December 8 at the Railroad Club.
DEVELADO EL BUSTO A GASPAR BETANCOURT CISNEROS en las Oficinas Generales, por el Ministro de Comunicaciones Dr. Carrera Jústiz, el poeta Dr. Agustín Acosta pronuncia interesante conferencia sobre el prócer. 5 At the unveiling of the bust of Gaspar Betancourt Cisneros [Camaguey native son, revolutionary patriot and founder of the oldest railroad in Latin America] at Railroad Headquarters is the Minister of Communications, Dr. Carrera Justiz. The poet Dr. Augustin Acosta says some interesting words about the illustrious national hero.
EL GOBERNADOR MASVIDAL Y EL MINISTRO SIN CARTERA PARDO JIMÉNEZ, acompañados del Alcalde Arredondo, entregan pergamino declarando el día 8 "Fiesta Ferroviaria". 6 Railroad President Pellon, Governor Masvidal and Minister Without Portfolio Pardo Jimenez, accompanied by Mayor Arredondo, present a parchment scroll declaring December 8th Railroad Day holiday.
l-r, front row: Gustavo Pellon; Raul Masvidal; Pardo Jimenez; and Francisco Arredondo Morando.
DEVELOSE UNA TARJA EN LA CASA donde nació "El Lugareño", por el Dr. Aquiles Rodríguez, representando al nieto de Betancourt Cisneros. El Dr. Mario Franqui Pegudo hizo una bella pieza oratoria. 7 Dr. Mario Franqui Pegudo delivers a fine piece of oratory at the unveiling of a commemorative plaque the house where "El Lugareño" [Gaspar Betancourt Cisneros] was born while the Governor, the Railroad President and Mrs. Barrow listen attentively. Dr. Aquiles Rodriguez, representing Betancourt's son, hosts the group that came calling.
[Note the plaque behind the speaker.]
A PRESENCIA DE LA HIJA DEL CORONEL HORATIO S. RUBENS, fué entregada una bandera cubana a los veteranos, en visita al Consejo Territorial. 8 During a visit to the [Veterans] District Council, with [Mrs. David Barrow] (the daughter of Colonel Horatio S. Rubens) attending, a Cuban flag was presented to the Veterans.
[Horatio Rubens (1869-193x), the New York-born Jewish-American lawyer, was a friend and comrade-in-arms of Jose Marti. He provided his services gratis and procured arms for the cause for Cuban Independence. After the war during the U.S. Occupation, he lobbied for independence and represented Cubans accused of insurgency by the U.S. Government. —Ed.]
DANIEL RIVAS REGUEIRA, Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio, entrega hermosa placa a nombre de las Corporaciones Económicas Camagüeyanas, ante Mrs. David Barrow (hija del Coronel Rubens) y el Sr. Gobernador Provincial. 9 Daniel Rivas Regueira, President of the Chamber of Commerce, presents a handsome plaque to Railroad President Pellon in the name of the Business Associations of Camaguey in the presence of Mrs. David Barrow (daughter of Colonel Rubens) and the Honorable Provincial Governor [Dr. Raúl Masvidal Marín].
AGRADECIENDO la distinción de las Corporaciones Económicas de Camagüey, el Dr. Manuel Tomé Varona pronuncia bellisimo discurso en la Cámara de Comercio. 10 In gratitude for the honor bestowed by the Business Associations of Camaguey, Dr. Manuel Tome Varona delivers a delightful speech at the Chamber of Commerce.
Seated at the table are Blanca del Rosario, her husband Gustavo Pellón, Mrs. David Barrow, and Raul Masvidal Marin.
EL COLEGIO MEDICO DE CAMAGÜEY recibe a los digirentes ferroviarios y patentiza su simpatía en pergamino que entrega el Presidente Dr. Agustín López Ramírez. 11 The Medical College of Camaguey receives the railroad functionaries and memorializes the College's admiration on the parchment scroll presented by Dr. Agustin Lopez Ramirez.
RINDIENDO TRIBUTO a los ferroviarios desaparecidos, Mons. Riu Anglés, Obispo de Camagüey, oficia en Gran Pontifical, celebrada en la S.I. Catedral camagüeyana. 12 Rendering tribute to the railroad workers who died in the line of duty, Monsignor Riu Angles, Bishop of Camaguey, officiates at the High Funeral Mass held at Camaguey's Holy Cathedral.
To the left of the Bishop, in the white alb, is Monsignor Salvador Basulto.
VISTA PARCIAL DE LA CONCURRENCIA a las exequias de la Catedral, celebradas el 9 de diciembre. 13 Partial view of the gathering at the funeral mass at the Cathedral, which took place December 9th.
On the left is Pellón's son and Silvia Boza. At the other end of the pew is Gustavo Pellón and his wife, Blanca del Rosario.
PARQUE INFANTIL construido por "Amigos del Amparo de la Niñez" inaugurando el hogar infantil de su nombre. 14 Playground built by "Friends of Childhood's Sanctuary" [a Girls' Home built with railroad and railroad workers donations] shown on its inauguration.
IZANDO LA ESEÑA NACIONAL, a los acordes del himno, en el Hogar "Amparo de la Niñez", la señora Blanca del Rosario de Pellón, dá inicio al emotivo acto. 15 The Flag is raised at the Childhood's Sanctuary Girls' Home as the National Anthem plays. Mrs. Blanca Pellon, née del Rosario, performs the honor.
[Note the railroad poster on the wall.]
SIDRA OFRECIDA por el Patronato del "Amparo de la Niñez" a sus protectores los ferroviarios. La señorita Catalina Guerra hizo magnifico discurso. 16 Members of Childhood's Sanctuary Foundation offer sparkling cider to their protectors, the railroaders. Miss Catalina Guerra gave a magnificent speech.
PRESIDENCIA DEL REGIO BANQUETE celebrado en los salones del Liceo de Camagüey, ofrecido por Ferrocarriles Consolidados de Cuba. 17 Head table at the magnificent banquet that was held in the salons of the Camaguey Lyceum, hosted by Consolidated Railroads of Cuba.
DR. PABLO CARRERA JUSTIZ, Ministro de Comunicaciones pronunciando conceptuoso discurso en el Liceo de Camagüey, la noche del 9 de diciembre. 18 Dr. Pablo Carrera Justiz, Minister of Communications, giving a pithy speech at Camguey's Lyceum on the evening of December 9th. Standing next to the speaker is Manolo de la Torre.
VISTA PARCIAL del gran banquete de gala, uno de los más hermosos actos celebrados en el Liceo de Camagüey. 19 Partial view of the festive Great Banquet, one of the most handsome functions ever held at Camaguey's Lyceum.
OTRA VISTA PARCIAL de los comensales en el banquete ofrecido por los Consolidados a las autoridades y sociedad en general. 20 Another partial view of the diners at the banquet hosted by Consolidated for the dignitaries and society in general.
LA ASOCIACION DE REPRESENTANTES COMERCIALES entrega una prueba de amistad en bello pergamino. Mario Quevedo Peralta, Presidente y Jerónimo González Castro, diligente directivo, hacen la entrega en el local social de los "muchachos del maletín". 21 The Association of Commercial Representatives present an expression of friendship on a beautiful parchment scroll. Mario Quevedo Peralta, President; and Jeronimo Gonzalez Castro, Managing Director; present the scroll at the Porter's Local social hall.
VISTA GENERAL del simpático acto de la Asociación de Representantes Comerciales de Camagüey. A nombre de los Consolidados dé las gracias el Dr. Florencio Carbó. 22 Wide view of Camaguey's Association of Commercial Representatives' act of friendship. On behalf of Consolidated, Dr. Florencio Carbo gives thanks.
CONFERENCIA INTERESANTE dictó en los salones de la Sociedad Popular de Santa Cecilia el ilustrado Dr. Luis Martínez Fernández, ante una nutrida concurrencia. 23 Before a large audience, Dr. Luis Martinez Fernandez gives an interesting lecture in the rooms of the Popular Society of Saint Cecilia.
AGASAJANDO LOS NIÑOS pobres del Reparto Saratoga, en acto emotivo y hermoso que dice mucho de la acción que los católicos realizan en aquel lugar de humildes. 24 Showering poor children from the Saratoga neighborhood with gifts—a handsome and emotive ceremony that says volumes about the works that Catholic volunteers accomplish at that humble place.
LOS NIÑOS COBIJADOS por la bondad de la Madre Teresa y del Padre Novoa, atienden a S.I. Mons. Riu Anglés y al periodista Rafael Valdés Jiménez, en el acto del Reparto Saratoga. Los oradores aparecen insertados. 25 The children, sheltered by the kindness of Mother Teresa and Father Novoa, listen to His Excellency Bishop Riu Angles and the journalist Rafael Valdes Jimenez at the ceremony at the Saratoga neighborhood. The speakers have been inserted into the photograph.
IMPOSICION DE UN FINO CORSAGE por la Regente de las Damas Isabelinas señora Alicia Lima de Santos, a la señora Blanca del Rosario de Pellón. 26 An elegant corsage is pinned on Mrs. Blanca del Rosario, wife of [Railway president Gustavo] Pellon, by the Regent of the Ladies of the Knights of Columbus, Mrs. Alicia Lima de Santos.
DURANTE LA VISITA al edificio de los Caballeros de Colón, recibimos cortesías exquisitas de las Damas Isabelinas y frases sincerísimas del R. P. Ullastres. 27 During the visit to the Knights of Columbus building, we received gracious attention from the Ladies of the Knights of Columbus and sincere words from the Reverend Father Ullastres.
PRESIDENCIA DEL ACTO organizado y desarrollado brillantemente por la Asociación de Empleados de Oficinas Ferroviarias. Un rotundo éxito fué, feliz por todos conceptos. 28 Head table at the function organized and brilliantly executed by the Association of Railroad Office Workers. By any measure it was a spectacular success.
CONCURRENCIA ENORME COLMO el salón de actos de los oficinistas ferroviarios y los oradores Dr. Luis Cruz Ramírez y Gustavo Pellón (insertados) fueron acogidos con muestras de simpatía y cariño. 29 An large crowd overflowed the Railroad Office Worker's Social Hall. The speakers Dr. Luis Cruz Ramirez and Gustavo Pellon (inserted) humbly accepted the accolades of the audience.
EN EL HOSPITAL INFANTIL “San Juan de Dios” con la benefactora Julieta Arango, de tan extraordinario corazón, y el Director Dr. Oscar Ortiz Machado, los enfermitos se mostraron muy simpáticos, con los visitantes ferroviarios. 30 At the San Juan de Dios Children's Hospital—accompanied by the extraordinarily kind-hearted benefactor Julieta Arango and Hospital Director Dr. Oscar Ortiz—the visiting railroaders greet the little patients.
CONFERENCIA MUY DOCUMENTADA Y EXCELENTE dictó en la Cámera de Comercio de Camagüey el destacado economista e historiador Dr. Ramiro Guerra. 31 The prominent economist and historian Dr. Ramiro Guerra delivers a well versed and excellent lecture at the Camaguey Chamber of Commerce.
ROSENDO ROMERO DELGADO dice la emoción experimentada en la vista al Hospital “San Juan de Diós”, donde tierna acogida reciben los niños enfermitos, respondiendo a los inspirados párrafos de la Dra. Flora Mousset, que aparece a su izquierda, con los doctores Ortiz Machado y Beyra. 32 Rosendo Romero Delgado, responding to the inspired paragraphs read by Dr. Flora Mousett—to his left, with Dr. Ortiz Machado and Dr. Beyra—speaks with emotion inspired by this visit to San Juan de Dios Hospital, where children are welcomed lovingly.
DISERTO EL DOCTOR FELIPE PICHARDO MOYA ante selecta concurrencia congregada en el Liceo de Camagüey, sobre el Coronel José Miguel Tarafa. 33 The eloquent Dr. Felipe Pichardo Moya, before a select audience at the Lyceum of Camaguey, speaks about Colonel Jose Miguel Tarafa [Revolutionary War Patriot and founder of The Northern of Cuba RR, now part of the Consolidated.]
CONVENCIONISTAS de la Independiente Orden de Odd Fellows en visita a las Oficinas Generales, donde fueron agasajados calurosamente. 34 Conventioneers from the Independent Order of Odd Fellows visit the Railroad's General Offices, where they were warmly entertained.
LOS FERROVIARIOS LLEVAN TENDIDA una hermosa bandera y le siguen las ofrendas para los patriotas. 35 In front of the wreaths for the patriots, the rairloaders carry a handsome flag extended between them.
INICIO DEL DEFILE SABATINO por las calles de Camagüey. Abren la marcha los funcionarios de la Empresa, seguidos por todos los empleados y obreros del carril. 36 Start of the Saturday parade through the streets of Camaguey. The march begins with the [Railroad] Company's management, followed by all of the employees and workers of the Road.
JUNTO AL PEDESTAL DE EL BAYARDO queda el homenaje floral de la clase ferroviaria. 37 The floral homage from the railroad's rank-and-file is laid next to the monument to "El Bayardo" [Ignacio Agramonte, patriot and native son].
LOS JARDINES DEL CLUB ATLETICO FERROVIARIO desbordaron alegría con el típico almuerzo en que confraternizaron la presidencia, funcionarios y ferroviarios de todo rango. 38 The gardens of the Railroad Athletic Club overflowed with merriment at the traditional luncheon where the Railroad's presidency, management and railroad workers of all ranks fraternize.
OTRO RINCON del Ferroviario, con grupos de comensales en el almuerzo típico del sábado 13 de diciembre. 39 At another corner of the Club, groups of diners partake of the traditional luncheon held Saturday, December 13, [1952].
LA MESA DONDE SE SENTARON LAS AUTORIDADES con los funcionarios de Ferrocarriles Consolidados de Cuba, disfrutando de un criollísimo menú. 40 The table where government functionaries were seated with the management of Consolidated Railroads of Cuba, enjoying typical Camagueyan food.
GUILLERMO POSSE PEDROSO, Presidente de Legión de Honor Ferroviaria, leyó interesante discurso en el almuerzo de dicha institución, que fué brillante epílogo de la Conmemoración. 41 Guillermo Posse Pedroso, President of the Railway Legion of Honor, read a brilliant epilogue for the Celebration.
AL RECIBIR DISTINTIVOS DORADOS que le acreditan más de 35 años de servicio activo, un grupo de "veteranos del carril" posan el domingo 14 de diciembre, en que pasan a integrar la "Legión de Honor Ferroviaria". 42 A group of "veterans of the Road" pose December 14th after receiving distinctive golden pins testifying to more than 35 years of active service and induction into the Railway Legion of Honor.
OTRO ASPECTO DE la mesa del almuerzo de los “legionarios”. (Insertado) Momento en que la señora Padrón de Posse prendía un corsage a la señora Blanca de Rosario de Pellón. 43 Another view of the Legionaire's luncheon table. Inserted: Mrs. Lilla Padron, wife of Guillermo Posse (the President of the Legion), pins a corsage on Mrs. Blanca de Rosario, wife of Railroad President Gustavo Pellon.
LEGION DE HONOR FERROVIARIA, con su tradicional almuerzo de cada año, integra el programa de festejos y escucha la palabra de amistad que le envía la Presidencia de la Empresa. 44 The Railway Legion of Honor, with its traditional luncheon every year, this year integrates it into the week's festivities. Here they listen to words of friendship from the President of the Company, Gustavo Pellon.
PRESIDENCIA del gran almuerzo de la “Legión de Honor Ferroviaria”, espléndido y triunfal. (Insertado) Momento en que un niño del Hogar Infantil “Zayas Bazán” entregaba una Medalla de Oro al señor Pellón, con un mensaje de tiernos sentimientos de sus compañeros. 45 View of the head table at the splendid and triumphant Grand Luncheon hosted by the Railway Legion of Honor. Inserted: A small child from the Zayas Bazan Young Children's Home presents gold medallion to Mr. Pellon along with a sweet and tender message from his playmates.
VISTA PARCIAL DEL GRAN ALMUERZO de los legionarios, que tuvo más de mil comensales. Insertado se recoge el momento en que la señora Lila Padrón de Posse colocaba un exquisito corsage en el pecho de la señora Alicia Echemendia de Villarnovo. 46 Partial view of the Legionaires' Grand Luncheon, attended by more than one thousand guests. The moment in which Mrs. Lila Padron, wife of the President of the Legion Mr. Posse, affixes an exquisite corsage on the breast of Mrs. Alicia Villarnovo née Echemendia can be seen in the insert.
Arreglo original de paginas 46 y 47, con las ultimas fotos de arriba. Original layout of pages 46 and 47, with the last of the photos above.
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